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Freebayes somatic workflow

FreeBayesSomaticWorkflow · 1 contributor · 1 version

This workflow uses the capabilities of freebayes to output all variants independent of the
diploid model which then in turn allows us to create a likelihood based difference between the normal sample and an arbitrary amount of samples. This allows a joint somatic genotyping of multiple samples of the same individual.


from import FreeBayesSomaticWorkflow

wf = WorkflowBuilder("myworkflow")

wf.output("somaticOutVcf", source=freebayessomaticworkflow_step.somaticOutVcf)


  1. Install Janis
  2. Ensure Janis is configured to work with Docker or Singularity.
  3. Ensure all reference files are available:


More information about these inputs are available below.

  1. Generate user input files for FreeBayesSomaticWorkflow:
# user inputs
janis inputs FreeBayesSomaticWorkflow > inputs.yaml


- bams_0.bam
- bams_1.bam
normalSample: <value>
reference: reference.fasta
  1. Run FreeBayesSomaticWorkflow with:
janis run [ options] \
    --inputs inputs.yaml \


URL: No URL to the documentation was provided

URL:No URL to the documentation was provided
Authors:Sebastian Hollizeck


name type documentation
somaticOutVcf Gzipped<File>  


Embedded Tools

Create genomic call regions CreateCallRegions/v0.1.0
freebayes freebayes/1.3.1
Call Somatic Variants from freebayes callSomaticFreeBayes/0.1.8
VcfLib: VcfCombine vcfcombine/v1.0.1
VcfLib: VcfStreamSort vcfstreamsort/v1.0.1
BCFTools: Normalize bcftoolsNorm/v1.9
VcfLib: VcfAllelicPrimitives vcfallelicprimitives/v1.0.1
VcfLib: VcfFixUp vcffixup/v1.0.1
VcfLib: VcfUniqAlleles vcfuniqalleles/v1.0.1
VcfLib: VcfUniq vcfuniq/v1.0.1
BGZip bgzip/1.2.1
Tabix tabix/1.2.1

Additional configuration (inputs)

name type documentation
bams Array<IndexedBam> All bams to be analysed. Samples can be split over multiple bams as well as multiple samples can be contained in one bam as long as the sample ids are set properly.
reference FastaFai The reference the bams were aligned to, with a fai index.
normalSample String The sample id of the normal sample, as it is specified in the bam header.
regionSize Optional<Integer> the size of the regions, to parallelise the analysis over. This needs to be adjusted if there are lots of samples or very high depth sequencing in the analysis.
skipCov Optional<Integer> The depth per sample, at which the variant calling process will skip a region. This is used to ignore regions with mapping issues, like the centromeres as well as heterochromatin. A good value is 3 times the maximum expected coverage.
minCov Optional<Integer> Minimum coverage over all samples, to still call variants.
createCallRegions_equalize Optional<Boolean>  
callVariants_pooledDiscreteFlag Optional<Boolean> Assume that samples result from pooled sequencing. Model pooled samples using discrete genotypes across pools. When using this flag, set --ploidy to the number of alleles in each sample or use the --cnv-map to define per-sample ploidy.
callVariants_gtQuals Optional<Boolean> -= --genotype-qualities Calculate the marginal probability of genotypes and report as GQ in each sample field in the VCF output.
callVariants_strictFlag Optional<Boolean> Generate strict VCF format (FORMAT/GQ will be an int)
callVariants_pooledContinousFlag Optional<Boolean> Output all alleles which pass input filters, regardles of genotyping outcome or model.
callVariants_reportMaxGLFlag Optional<Boolean> --report-genotype-likelihood-max Report genotypes using the maximum-likelihood estimate provided from genotype likelihoods.
callVariants_noABPriorsFlag Optional<Boolean> -a --allele-balance-priors-off Disable use of aggregate probability of observation balance between alleles as a component of the priors.
callVariants_maxNumOfAlleles Optional<Integer> Evaluate only the best N SNP alleles, ranked by sum of supporting quality scores. (Set to 0 to use all; default: all)
callVariants_noPartObsFlag Optional<Boolean> Exclude observations which do not fully span the dynamically-determined detection window. (default, use all observations, dividing partial support across matching haplotypes when generating haplotypes.)
callVariants_useDupFlag Optional<Boolean> Include duplicate-marked alignments in the analysis. default: exclude duplicates marked as such in alignments
callVariants_minBaseQual Optional<Integer> -q --min-base-quality Q Exclude alleles from analysis if their supporting base quality is less than Q. default: 0
callVariants_minSupMQsum Optional<Integer> -Y --min-supporting-mapping-qsum Q Consider any allele in which and the sum of mapping qualities of supporting reads is at least Q. default: 0
callVariants_minSupQsum Optional<Integer> -R --min-supporting-allele-qsum Q Consider any allele in which the sum of qualities of supporting observations is at least Q. default: 0
callVariants_minAltFrac Optional<Float> -F --min-alternate-fraction N Require at least this fraction of observations supporting an alternate allele within a single individual in the in order to evaluate the position. default: 0.05
callVariants_minAltQSum Optional<Integer> -3 --min-alternate-qsum N Require at least this sum of quality of observations supporting an alternate allele within a single individual in order to evaluate the position. default: 0
callVariants_minAltTotal Optional<Integer> -G --min-alternate-total N Require at least this count of observations supporting an alternate allele within the total population in order to use the allele in analysis. default: 1
sortSomatic1_inMemoryFlag Optional<Boolean> load all sites and then sort in memory
normalizeSomatic1_outputType Optional<String> --output-type b|u|z|v: Output compressed BCF (b), uncompressed BCF (u), compressed VCF (z), uncompressed VCF (v). Use the -Ou option when piping between bcftools subcommands to speed up performance by removing unnecessary compression/decompression and VCF←→BCF conversion.
normalizeSomatic1_outputFilename Optional<Filename> --output: When output consists of a single stream, write it to FILE rather than to standard output, where it is written by default.
allelicPrimitves_tagParsed Optional<String> Tag records which are split apart of a complex allele with this flag
allelicPrimitves_keepGenoFlag Optional<Boolean> Maintain genotype-level annotations when decomposing. Similar caution should be used for this as for --keep-info.
sortSomatic2_inMemoryFlag Optional<Boolean> load all sites and then sort in memory
normalizeSomatic2_outputType Optional<String> --output-type b|u|z|v: Output compressed BCF (b), uncompressed BCF (u), compressed VCF (z), uncompressed VCF (v). Use the -Ou option when piping between bcftools subcommands to speed up performance by removing unnecessary compression/decompression and VCF←→BCF conversion.
normalizeSomatic2_outputFilename Optional<Filename> --output: When output consists of a single stream, write it to FILE rather than to standard output, where it is written by default.
sortFinal_inMemoryFlag Optional<Boolean> load all sites and then sort in memory

Workflow Description Language

version development

import "tools/CreateCallRegions_v0_1_0.wdl" as C
import "tools/freebayes_1_3_1.wdl" as F
import "tools/callSomaticFreeBayes_0_1_8.wdl" as C2
import "tools/vcfcombine_v1_0_1.wdl" as V
import "tools/vcfstreamsort_v1_0_1.wdl" as V2
import "tools/bcftoolsNorm_v1_9.wdl" as B
import "tools/vcfallelicprimitives_v1_0_1.wdl" as V3
import "tools/vcffixup_v1_0_1.wdl" as V4
import "tools/vcfuniqalleles_v1_0_1.wdl" as V5
import "tools/vcfuniq_v1_0_1.wdl" as V6
import "tools/bgzip_1_2_1.wdl" as B2
import "tools/tabix_1_2_1.wdl" as T

workflow FreeBayesSomaticWorkflow {
  input {
    Array[File] bams
    Array[File] bams_bai
    File reference
    File reference_fai
    Int? regionSize = 10000000
    String normalSample
    Int? skipCov = 500
    Int? minCov = 10
    Boolean? createCallRegions_equalize = true
    Boolean? callVariants_pooledDiscreteFlag = true
    Boolean? callVariants_gtQuals = true
    Boolean? callVariants_strictFlag = true
    Boolean? callVariants_pooledContinousFlag = true
    Boolean? callVariants_reportMaxGLFlag = true
    Boolean? callVariants_noABPriorsFlag = true
    Int? callVariants_maxNumOfAlleles = 4
    Boolean? callVariants_noPartObsFlag = true
    Boolean? callVariants_useDupFlag = false
    Int? callVariants_minBaseQual = 1
    Int? callVariants_minSupMQsum = 0
    Int? callVariants_minSupQsum = 0
    Float? callVariants_minAltFrac = 0.01
    Int? callVariants_minAltQSum = 70
    Int? callVariants_minAltTotal = 2
    Boolean? sortSomatic1_inMemoryFlag = true
    String? normalizeSomatic1_outputType = "v"
    String? normalizeSomatic1_outputFilename = "normalised.vcf"
    String? allelicPrimitves_tagParsed = "DECOMPOSED"
    Boolean? allelicPrimitves_keepGenoFlag = true
    Boolean? sortSomatic2_inMemoryFlag = true
    String? normalizeSomatic2_outputType = "v"
    String? normalizeSomatic2_outputFilename = "normalised.vcf"
    Boolean? sortFinal_inMemoryFlag = true
  call C.CreateCallRegions as createCallRegions {
      regionSize=select_first([regionSize, 10000000]),
      equalize=select_first([createCallRegions_equalize, true])
  scatter (c in createCallRegions.regions) {
     call F.freebayes as callVariants {
        strictFlag=select_first([callVariants_strictFlag, true]),
        pooledDiscreteFlag=select_first([callVariants_pooledDiscreteFlag, true]),
        pooledContinousFlag=select_first([callVariants_pooledContinousFlag, true]),
        maxNumOfAlleles=select_first([callVariants_maxNumOfAlleles, 4]),
        noPartObsFlag=select_first([callVariants_noPartObsFlag, true]),
        useDupFlag=select_first([callVariants_useDupFlag, false]),
        minBaseQual=select_first([callVariants_minBaseQual, 1]),
        minSupQsum=select_first([callVariants_minSupQsum, 0]),
        minSupMQsum=select_first([callVariants_minSupMQsum, 0]),
        minAltFrac=select_first([callVariants_minAltFrac, 0.01]),
        minAltQSum=select_first([callVariants_minAltQSum, 70]),
        minAltTotal=select_first([callVariants_minAltTotal, 2]),
        minCov=select_first([minCov, 10]),
        noABPriorsFlag=select_first([callVariants_noABPriorsFlag, true]),
        reportMaxGLFlag=select_first([callVariants_reportMaxGLFlag, true]),
        gtQuals=select_first([callVariants_gtQuals, true]),
        skipCov=(select_first([skipCov, 500]) * length(bams))
  scatter (c in callVariants.out) {
     call C2.callSomaticFreeBayes as callSomatic {
  call V.vcfcombine as combineRegions {
  call V2.vcfstreamsort as sortSomatic1 {
      inMemoryFlag=select_first([sortSomatic1_inMemoryFlag, true])
  call B.bcftoolsNorm as normalizeSomatic1 {
      outputFilename=select_first([normalizeSomatic1_outputFilename, "normalised.vcf"]),
      outputType=select_first([normalizeSomatic1_outputType, "v"])
  call V3.vcfallelicprimitives as allelicPrimitves {
      tagParsed=select_first([allelicPrimitves_tagParsed, "DECOMPOSED"]),
      keepGenoFlag=select_first([allelicPrimitves_keepGenoFlag, true])
  call V4.vcffixup as fixSplitLines {
  call V2.vcfstreamsort as sortSomatic2 {
      inMemoryFlag=select_first([sortSomatic2_inMemoryFlag, true])
  call B.bcftoolsNorm as normalizeSomatic2 {
      outputFilename=select_first([normalizeSomatic2_outputFilename, "normalised.vcf"]),
      outputType=select_first([normalizeSomatic2_outputType, "v"])
  call V5.vcfuniqalleles as uniqueAlleles {
  call V2.vcfstreamsort as sortFinal {
      inMemoryFlag=select_first([sortFinal_inMemoryFlag, true])
  call V6.vcfuniq as uniqVcf {
  call B2.bgzip as compressFinal {
  call T.tabix as indexFinal {
  output {
    File somaticOutVcf = indexFinal.out
    File somaticOutVcf_tbi = indexFinal.out_tbi

Common Workflow Language

#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
class: Workflow
cwlVersion: v1.2
label: Freebayes somatic workflow
doc: |-
  This workflow uses the capabilities of freebayes to output all variants independent of the
          diploid model which then in turn allows us to create a likelihood based difference between
          the normal sample and an arbitrary amount of samples.
          This allows a joint somatic genotyping of multiple samples of the same individual.

- class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
- class: StepInputExpressionRequirement
- class: ScatterFeatureRequirement

- id: bams
  doc: |-
    All bams to be analysed. Samples can be split over multiple bams as well as multiple samples can be contained in one bam as long as the sample ids are set properly.
    type: array
    items: File
  - pattern: .bai
- id: reference
  doc: The reference the bams were aligned to, with a fai index.
  type: File
  - pattern: .fai
- id: regionSize
  doc: |-
    the size of the regions, to parallelise the analysis over. This needs to be adjusted if there are lots of samples or very high depth sequencing in the analysis.
  type: int
  default: 10000000
- id: normalSample
  doc: The sample id of the normal sample, as it is specified in the bam header.
  type: string
- id: skipCov
  doc: |-
    The depth per sample, at which the variant calling process will skip a region. This is used to ignore regions with mapping issues, like the centromeres as well as heterochromatin. A good value is 3 times the maximum expected coverage.
  type: int
  default: 500
- id: minCov
  doc: Minimum coverage over all samples, to still call variants.
  type: int
  default: 10
- id: createCallRegions_equalize
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: callVariants_pooledDiscreteFlag
  doc: |-
    Assume that samples result from pooled sequencing. Model pooled samples using discrete genotypes across pools. When using this flag, set --ploidy to the number of alleles in each sample or use the --cnv-map to define per-sample ploidy.
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: callVariants_gtQuals
  doc: |2-
     -= --genotype-qualities Calculate the marginal probability of genotypes and report as GQ in each sample field in the VCF output.
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: callVariants_strictFlag
  doc: Generate strict VCF format (FORMAT/GQ will be an int)
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: callVariants_pooledContinousFlag
  doc: |-
    Output all alleles which pass input filters, regardles of genotyping outcome or model.
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: callVariants_reportMaxGLFlag
  doc: |2-
     --report-genotype-likelihood-max Report genotypes using the maximum-likelihood estimate provided from genotype likelihoods.
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: callVariants_noABPriorsFlag
  doc: |2-
     -a --allele-balance-priors-off Disable use of aggregate probability of observation balance between alleles as a component of the priors.
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: callVariants_maxNumOfAlleles
  doc: |-
    Evaluate only the best N SNP alleles, ranked by sum of supporting quality scores. (Set to 0 to use all; default: all)
  type: int
  default: 4
- id: callVariants_noPartObsFlag
  doc: |-
    Exclude observations which do not fully span the dynamically-determined detection window. (default, use all observations, dividing partial support across matching haplotypes when generating haplotypes.)
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: callVariants_useDupFlag
  doc: |-
    Include duplicate-marked alignments in the analysis. default: exclude duplicates marked as such in alignments
  type: boolean
  default: false
- id: callVariants_minBaseQual
  doc: |2-
     -q --min-base-quality Q Exclude alleles from analysis if their supporting base quality is less than Q. default: 0
  type: int
  default: 1
- id: callVariants_minSupMQsum
  doc: |2-
     -Y --min-supporting-mapping-qsum Q Consider any allele in which and the sum of mapping qualities of supporting reads is at least Q. default: 0
  type: int
  default: 0
- id: callVariants_minSupQsum
  doc: |2-
     -R --min-supporting-allele-qsum Q Consider any allele in which the sum of qualities of supporting observations is at least Q. default: 0
  type: int
  default: 0
- id: callVariants_minAltFrac
  doc: |2-
     -F --min-alternate-fraction N Require at least this fraction of observations supporting an alternate allele within a single individual in the in order to evaluate the position. default: 0.05
  type: float
  default: 0.01
- id: callVariants_minAltQSum
  doc: |2-
     -3 --min-alternate-qsum N Require at least this sum of quality of observations supporting an alternate allele within a single individual in order to evaluate the position. default: 0
  type: int
  default: 70
- id: callVariants_minAltTotal
  doc: |2-
     -G --min-alternate-total N Require at least this count of observations supporting an alternate allele within the total population in order to use the allele in analysis. default: 1
  type: int
  default: 2
- id: sortSomatic1_inMemoryFlag
  doc: load all sites and then sort in memory
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: normalizeSomatic1_outputType
  doc: |-
    --output-type b|u|z|v: Output compressed BCF (b), uncompressed BCF (u), compressed VCF (z), uncompressed VCF (v). Use the -Ou option when piping between bcftools subcommands to speed up performance by removing unnecessary compression/decompression and VCF←→BCF conversion.
  type: string
  default: v
- id: normalizeSomatic1_outputFilename
  doc: |-
    --output: When output consists of a single stream, write it to FILE rather than to standard output, where it is written by default.
  - string
  - 'null'
  default: normalised.vcf
- id: allelicPrimitves_tagParsed
  doc: Tag records which are split apart of a complex allele with this flag
  type: string
  default: DECOMPOSED
- id: allelicPrimitves_keepGenoFlag
  doc: |-
    Maintain genotype-level annotations when decomposing.  Similar caution should be used for this as for --keep-info.
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: sortSomatic2_inMemoryFlag
  doc: load all sites and then sort in memory
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: normalizeSomatic2_outputType
  doc: |-
    --output-type b|u|z|v: Output compressed BCF (b), uncompressed BCF (u), compressed VCF (z), uncompressed VCF (v). Use the -Ou option when piping between bcftools subcommands to speed up performance by removing unnecessary compression/decompression and VCF←→BCF conversion.
  type: string
  default: v
- id: normalizeSomatic2_outputFilename
  doc: |-
    --output: When output consists of a single stream, write it to FILE rather than to standard output, where it is written by default.
  - string
  - 'null'
  default: normalised.vcf
- id: sortFinal_inMemoryFlag
  doc: load all sites and then sort in memory
  type: boolean
  default: true

- id: somaticOutVcf
  type: File
  - pattern: .tbi
  outputSource: indexFinal/out

- id: createCallRegions
  label: Create genomic call regions
  - id: reference
    source: reference
  - id: regionSize
    source: regionSize
  - id: equalize
    source: createCallRegions_equalize
  run: tools/CreateCallRegions_v0_1_0.cwl
  - id: regions
- id: callVariants
  label: freebayes
  - id: bams
    source: bams
  - id: reference
    source: reference
  - id: region
    source: createCallRegions/regions
  - id: strictFlag
    source: callVariants_strictFlag
  - id: pooledDiscreteFlag
    source: callVariants_pooledDiscreteFlag
  - id: pooledContinousFlag
    source: callVariants_pooledContinousFlag
  - id: maxNumOfAlleles
    source: callVariants_maxNumOfAlleles
  - id: noPartObsFlag
    source: callVariants_noPartObsFlag
  - id: useDupFlag
    source: callVariants_useDupFlag
  - id: minBaseQual
    source: callVariants_minBaseQual
  - id: minSupQsum
    source: callVariants_minSupQsum
  - id: minSupMQsum
    source: callVariants_minSupMQsum
  - id: minAltFrac
    source: callVariants_minAltFrac
  - id: minAltQSum
    source: callVariants_minAltQSum
  - id: minAltTotal
    source: callVariants_minAltTotal
  - id: minCov
    source: minCov
  - id: noABPriorsFlag
    source: callVariants_noABPriorsFlag
  - id: reportMaxGLFlag
    source: callVariants_reportMaxGLFlag
  - id: gtQuals
    source: callVariants_gtQuals
  - id: _callVariants_skipCov_skipCov
    source: skipCov
  - id: _callVariants_skipCov_bams
    source: bams
  - id: skipCov
    valueFrom: |-
      $((inputs._callVariants_skipCov_skipCov * inputs._callVariants_skipCov_bams.length))
  - region
  run: tools/freebayes_1_3_1.cwl
  - id: out
- id: callSomatic
  label: Call Somatic Variants from freebayes
  - id: vcf
    source: callVariants/out
  - id: normalSampleName
    source: normalSample
  - vcf
  run: tools/callSomaticFreeBayes_0_1_8.cwl
  - id: out
- id: combineRegions
  label: 'VcfLib: VcfCombine'
  - id: vcf
    source: callSomatic/out
  run: tools/vcfcombine_v1_0_1.cwl
  - id: out
- id: sortSomatic1
  label: 'VcfLib: VcfStreamSort'
  - id: vcf
    source: combineRegions/out
  - id: inMemoryFlag
    source: sortSomatic1_inMemoryFlag
  run: tools/vcfstreamsort_v1_0_1.cwl
  - id: out
- id: normalizeSomatic1
  label: 'BCFTools: Normalize'
  - id: vcf
    source: sortSomatic1/out
  - id: outputFilename
    source: normalizeSomatic1_outputFilename
  - id: reference
    source: reference
  - id: outputType
    source: normalizeSomatic1_outputType
  run: tools/bcftoolsNorm_v1_9.cwl
  - id: out
- id: allelicPrimitves
  label: 'VcfLib: VcfAllelicPrimitives'
  - id: vcf
    source: normalizeSomatic1/out
  - id: tagParsed
    source: allelicPrimitves_tagParsed
  - id: keepGenoFlag
    source: allelicPrimitves_keepGenoFlag
  run: tools/vcfallelicprimitives_v1_0_1.cwl
  - id: out
- id: fixSplitLines
  label: 'VcfLib: VcfFixUp'
  - id: vcf
    source: allelicPrimitves/out
  run: tools/vcffixup_v1_0_1.cwl
  - id: out
- id: sortSomatic2
  label: 'VcfLib: VcfStreamSort'
  - id: vcf
    source: fixSplitLines/out
  - id: inMemoryFlag
    source: sortSomatic2_inMemoryFlag
  run: tools/vcfstreamsort_v1_0_1.cwl
  - id: out
- id: normalizeSomatic2
  label: 'BCFTools: Normalize'
  - id: vcf
    source: sortSomatic2/out
  - id: outputFilename
    source: normalizeSomatic2_outputFilename
  - id: reference
    source: reference
  - id: outputType
    source: normalizeSomatic2_outputType
  run: tools/bcftoolsNorm_v1_9.cwl
  - id: out
- id: uniqueAlleles
  label: 'VcfLib: VcfUniqAlleles'
  - id: vcf
    source: normalizeSomatic2/out
  run: tools/vcfuniqalleles_v1_0_1.cwl
  - id: out
- id: sortFinal
  label: 'VcfLib: VcfStreamSort'
  - id: vcf
    source: uniqueAlleles/out
  - id: inMemoryFlag
    source: sortFinal_inMemoryFlag
  run: tools/vcfstreamsort_v1_0_1.cwl
  - id: out
- id: uniqVcf
  label: 'VcfLib: VcfUniq'
  - id: vcf
    source: sortFinal/out
  run: tools/vcfuniq_v1_0_1.cwl
  - id: out
- id: compressFinal
  label: BGZip
  - id: file
    source: uniqVcf/out
  run: tools/bgzip_1_2_1.cwl
  - id: out
- id: indexFinal
  label: Tabix
  - id: inp
    source: compressFinal/out
  run: tools/tabix_1_2_1.cwl
  - id: out
id: FreeBayesSomaticWorkflow